lundi 18 janvier 2010

Créer des bois morts, ça occupe pendant l’hiver

A part prendre des photos de bonsaï sous la neige, on peu aussi s’occuper en « exécutant » divers besognes.

Quelques travaux sur les bois morts peuvent être des activités « reposantes »…

On est psychopathe comme on peu…

1 commentaire:

Unknown a dit…

Hey Phil, "old Swede" you chose a nice employment in winter! How did it take carving the clogs and above all, with which bonsai do you plan to connect the dead wood ;-)?
We just came back from yamadori which meant collecting nice dead wood of oaks and cutting back oaks as prebondais leaving them in their location. After a vegetation period we will "harvest" them in the next spring. Dietmar already dug a quite skuril grown oak and has planted it directly. Watch its in his blog! Beside that he owns new interesting tools as there are: makita together with terrier and weasel for carving in big style.
Groses Bises Anne & Dietmar (abana & avicenna)

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